


Grace Christian Fellowship believes that all expressions of sexual intimacy outside the bonds of heterosexual marriage are both unbiblical and immoral. Therefore, Grace Christian Fellowship does not believe that homosexuality is deserving of greater disapproval than any other sexual sin (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). Neither are those involved in homosexuality deserving of special condemnation; as the Bible states in Romans 3:23, ‘All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.’ More importantly, we believe that Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but to redeem and free the particular forms of bondage in which they find themselves.

Grace Christian Fellowship recognizes the important distinctions between persons and policies. While echoing the Biblical message of compassion, forgiveness and redemption for individuals, we nonetheless stand firm in our opposition to social policies that have the effect of legitimizing homosexual behavior. We believe that the legitimization of homosexuality through such matters as the redefinition of the family, the legalization of same-sex marriages, and the instruction of children and youth that homosexuality and bisexuality are morally equivalent to heterosexuality is not only unbiblical, but harmful.

From the perspective of the Biblical witness, which is of fundamental importance for Grace Christian Fellowship, homosexuality is just one form in which the brokenness of humanity reveals itself, along with greed, hatred, fear, dishonesty and intemperance, etc. What people who struggle with homosexual desire need above all else is restoration through Christ, truth, compassion and an atmosphere of acceptance as they journey toward wholeness and change.

Grace Christian Fellowship stands against any form of evil; including prejudice, bigotry and violence. We believe that moral opposition is not a license to engage in any form of slander or harassment against those with whom we disagree. Morally and legally speaking, we believe that a crime against a homosexual is no less a crime against humanity, and deserves to be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Grace Christian Fellowship cites homosexuality as one of many disorders that beset fallen humanity. Choosing to reconcile such desires through homosexual behavior, taking on a homosexual identity or a homosexual lifestyle is considered a distortion of God’s intent for an individual and is thus sinful.

Yet, Grace Christian Fellowship respects the complexity and depth of struggle that men and women must endure when faced with their homosexuality; no less is Grace’s desire to walk beside them on their sojourn. Indeed, there is a growing witness of many men and women who have abandoned their homosexual condition and testify that they can surrender to God who is able to change them. Christ offers a healing alternative to those with homosexual desires. Grace Christian Fellowship upholds such redemption for the homosexual person as a process whereby sin’s power is broken. God’s all- encompassing grace is realized and the individual is freed to know and experience their true identity as discovered in Christ and His Church. That process entails the freedom to grow into heterosexuality.

Central to this redemption is Grace’s desire to encourage and assist the Church to be engaged in this healing process. Grace seeks to inform Christians who respond to homosexual men and women with animosity and fear, influence those who mistakenly uphold homosexuality as a valid, Christ-centered lifestyle and convey to the homosexual the fullness of redemption found in Christ Jesus Our Savior and Lord.